Friday, April 23, 2010

Tips for Surviving Toddler and Preschool years

I came across this list today on one of the blogs I am starting to follow. I have come to many of these conclusions on my own over the last couple of years, but her suggestions are still encouraging. Perhaps our home is on the right track!

Time Tested Tips for Surviving and Thriving during the Preschool years

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Family Goals

As I begin this journey toward intentional living, some family goals have come to the forefront of my mind. At this point, my goals are all over the map, having to do with all aspects of family life, but there is an underlying philosophy of stewardship and worship under-girding these seemingly unrelated items. Here they are in no particular order:

  1. Grow in faithfulness to keeping the family budget, controlling spending, and giving generously from our resources.
  2. Commit to a healthy lifestyle in both fitness and exercise, in order to stay "young" for my children and participate in their lives and to teach them healthy habits that will benefit them as they grow older.
  3. Integrate creative discipleship opportunities into our daily lives including Bible teaching, service opportunities, and character development.
  4. Invest in my husband. Continue to take risks in our relationship to help it grow deeper and remain strong.
  5. Keep our home in order so that peace can abound. Take responsibility for the tasks that fall to mom--even when it means sacrificing what I would rather be doing with my time.
  6. Build relationships with my children through play and conversation, intentionally freeing myself from being "too busy."
  7. Submit to the Lord's leading in my own life to take time to develop intimacy with Christ again--even though life is busy and demanding.

My guess is that there are a lot of other Christian moms out there with similar hearts who have been living with this nagging notion that they aren't quite doing all God has called them to do. We justify it by pointing out our busyness, but I don't think that excuse works for God. His grace runs deep and I am so thankful, but I do want my family to know how much I love Jesus because the SEE it in me and they EXPERIENCE it in my every day actions.

Don't you want the same?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Life Intentional

There's nothing like a new baby in the house to totally turn your life upside down while somehow forcing you to re-evaluate your life, your priorities, and even examine yourself!

With two children under three, I am still a beginner at parenting; but when I think about the life I want for my children I know I want them to grow to love Jesus, desire to serve them with their lives, and experience the wholeness he offers as they experience life's ups and downs.

Am I the mom I need to be to adequately disciple my children to become all that God has created them to be? Perfection isn't the goal, but they need to understand how Christ intends to influence every aspect of our lives. They won't get that unless they see it in me!

But even beyond my example, they need to experience Jesus as Savior and Lord in their lives---now!

For the last 10 years, I have been working in higher education with Christian college students, I even teach courses on Christian Education and Spiritual Formation. But I now face the biggest test of my knowledge--How do I apply what I know about how people learn, grow, and develop to my own family in a way that empowers them to become little worshipers in every aspect of life?

That's the mom motive. If you find yourself seeking the Lord asking these same questions, I hope you join me on my journey to discover God's intentions for our children.